Thursday, April 2, 2009


Voluntold (Vol-uun-told) N. ADV. V. - 1)To be unwillingly or unknowingly forced to volunteer to participate or take part in any certain activity. this means the person has no choice other than to accept this service as their own. 2) to inquire if a person would be interested in participating in said activity. despite the individuals approval or disapproval or the activity, participation is required regardless.

today at work i was approached and "voluntold" that i was going to the armys air assault school because we needed guys to fill slots. lets back up a minute. the army offers its soldiers a wide selection of schools, courses, and classes to do a number of things ranging from giving them points to help with promotion, of just bragging rights to wear a particular skill badge.
well most of these schools are OPTIONAL. meaning you only go to them if you wish to. there is rarely a situation where a soldier is given a school date against his will..... unless you are in the old guard..... until today.

they tried to send me to air assault school, just cause they need bodies to fill slots. no way jose'. i dont wanna go to an army school, esp. with only 2 weeks notice! they are out of their minds. this just add one more thing to the list of things i hate about the army. blah.
i could go on for days about it. but rather not rant.

sam got her hair cut today, looks cute, but i think she wants something shorter and more wild. so i believe she is going to go back tomorrow and have them do what she really wants.
i had a decent 25 miles ride tonight, couple sprints, couple intervals. gotta get ready for this weekend. have like an 8 man squad for saturdays race. so hopefully we get some of that podium.
sam and i went out to eat at this fancy Italian place tonight. it was pretty yum. scallops, grilled calamari, celery soup, and pulled chicken salad with bread and dry martinis. it was a nice quite evening meal to which we got to talk and gaze into each others eyes. good food, pretty girl, what more could i want huh?
im off to bed. peace and love

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